Auto Loans
When buying a vehicle, you face some challenging choices, like are the add-on features really worth it? What color? Buy or lease? While we’ll be happy to offer our opinion on the color, our real strength comes to the financial end of things. Our auto loans are tailored to your budget, along with excellent interest rates to keep monthly payments low. And our fast approval process means you’re equipped with the buying power to get you in your new or used vehicle fast.
If you’re planning to stay behind the wheel of your current car, we can lower your payments with easy refinancing. Our auto and refi loans come with flexible terms that let you pay back your loan in the time period that works best for you.
Get approved and shop for your vehicle with a check in hand
Access to low interest rates to give you an affordable payment
Enjoy the benefits of personal service provided by your local bank
Choose to finance a new or used auto or opt for auto refinancing